- AWE50ME presents A NICE SET, Melbourne

AWE50ME curator Scott of Supermarkart presents an exhibition by Plus et Plus and IdN of customised slip mats by 33 1/3 international artists joined by local talents Ant Keogh, Ben Frost, Dabs and Myla, Deb, Domenico Bartolo, Drewster, Dvate, Isis, James Gulliver Hancock, Jeremyville, Laura Mckellar, Logan Hicks, Luca Ionescu, Makatron, Marcela Restrepo, Matt Huynh, Phibs, Reka, Rone, Sear, Side Project, Supermarkart, Tom Civil, Wonderlust, Woody and some other very nice designers.

Exhibition September 4 - 7, 2008
Opening party Friday 5, 6-9pm with DJ A-Style (2007 DMC Champ) appropriately playing a very nice set.

Location: No-Vacancy Gallery
Street: 27-33 Red Cape Lane (QV)
City/Town: Melbourne, Australia

Supermarkart is HERE.