- Colorzipme! -

We were task to present a community solution for Colorzip. Bound by the inescapable fact that the application could not function in extreme low light conditions, we came up with Colorzipme! Based on the hypothesis - Where do mobile phone savvy youths hangout all day and night long and is florescent bright? The answer to that was in schools, especially art schools where kids worked and interacted with each other visually. A basic profiler with uploadable images and unique code generator, with the ability to expand in structure and content was created for the Colorzip platform. This starter community site was a working example of the endless potential of the application.

"Our aim is to make it a part of life in high-tech Singapore. Over time, we want these codes to be everywhere, in newspapers, on T-shirts, signages, name cards, birthday cakes, and so on, and zapping them will become as natural as breathing," says Mr Leslie Fong, Executive Vice President of Marketing, SPH.

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Try it out... all you need is a phone reader that you can download for free.